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Upcoming events and job openings

The complete list is below. You may also filter by type of event by clicking on the right item in the menu under Announcements.

    • 14 Oct 2024
    • 18 Oct 2024
    • Udine, Italy

    I wanted to draw your attention to the workshop that Tamas Insperger and I organized for Udine, Italy for Oct 14-18, 2024. 

    It will have distinctly DDE and modeling perspective and likely will be near the last times that many of the speakers will give live teaching-style lectures (e.g. me, Stepan and Morasso). I suspect it may be expensive to travel to the meeting; however, it is possible to attend online. I think that the lectures given by Insperger and Stepan plus others would be of interest to mathematical biology students working on DDEs as well as those interested in falls in the elderly, etc.

    • 14 Oct 2024
    • Cardiff

    Two PhD opportunities at Cardiff University to student Mathematical Biology:

    1) Are you ready to make a real impact in healthcare? We're offering a fully funded PhD project that could change the way neonatal sepsis is detected in intensive care units worldwide. Using cutting-edge machine learning and data analysis, you'll develop an automated system capable of identifying sepsis up to 72 hours earlier than current methods, potentially saving countless infant lives. With access to high-resolution NICU data from India, and the chance to work at the intersection of mathematics, bioinformatics, and medical research, this is a unique opportunity to make a difference. Click here to learn more and apply:

    2) Discover the groundbreaking PhD opportunity in "Healing and Harm: Modelling the Relation Between Cell Motion and Environmental Topography." This research project will revolutionise our understanding of cellular motion and its impact on health by merging cutting-edge mathematics with innovative biology. In collaboration with experimentalists at the University of Reading, you will develop a sophisticated mechanical model to decode how cells move during muscle healing and cancer metastasis. Unlike traditional models that simplify environmental complexity, this project will incorporate real tissue data to better understand and influence cellular behaviour, with the ultimate goal of accelerating healing and inhibiting cancer spread. For more information follow the link:

    • 21 Oct 2024
    • 23 Oct 2024
    • Amsterdam

    We are pleased to announce the workshop "The Numerical Brain: forward and inverse problems in neuroscience applications", which will be held on the 21st-23rd of October 2024, organised within the Amsterdam Centre for Dynamics and Computation, at VU Amsterdam.

    The workshop is at the intersection between numerical analysis, computational and experimental neuroscience. It aims to form a community working on numerical methods for simulating brain processes and inferring parameters or states. The workshop will bring together scientists who specialize in data assimilation and uncertainty quantification methods, both within and outside the field of neuroscience.

    A list of participants can be found on our website

    The event is supported by funding from our Centre, NWO, the NDNS+ and STAR clusters. Registration will be open in due course: we anticipate attendance will be free, with an optional fee for a social dinner.

    We would be grateful if you helped us spreading the word, and we look forward to hosting you in Amsterdam in October.
    The organisers
    Daniele Avitabile and Svetlana Dubinkina

    • 31 Oct 2024
    • INRIA Saclay

    The postdoc position is open in the framework of two projects led by MUSCA, the OVOPAUSE ANR project and the OVOTOX FC3R project, gathering researchers from different institutions and scientific background (applied mathematics, developmental and reproductive biology, ecotoxicology).

    The position is an opportunity to be involved in a strongly interdisciplinary consortium, and to strengthen experience in mathematical and computational biology by working on the coupling of population dynamics models with compartmental pharmacokinetic models. The contract is expected to start in the beginning of year 2025, from January to March.

    Apply for this position at https://recrutement.inria.fr/public/classic/fr/offres/2024-08077

    The impact of micropollutants on living organisms is a major concern, whether at the individual or population level. Due to their living environment and their physiology, fish are particularly exposed to these micro-pollutants and in particular to endocrine disruptors (ED). They therefore constitute sentinel species for detecting and  understanding the multiscale reprotoxic effects of EDs and their adverse outcomes on the reproductive fitness from the individual up to the population levels. The field of toxicology, and more generally eco-toxicology, has recently acquired methodological tools, such as qAOP (quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathways), based on dynamic models with quantitative outputs to rigorously assess the effects of EDs from available experimental data and knowledge (Conolly et al. 2017). qAOP models can predict ED effects in silico and be used both for basic research and regulatory purposes, while limiting the use of laboratory animals.

    The postdoc work will be dedicated to enriching a qAOP model developed by the hosting team and collaborators. The first task will consist in coupling a size-structured (PDE-based) mechanistic model of oogenesis (the developmental process leading to the release of a fertilizable femate gamete), considering all maturation stages and their control (Bonnet et al. 2020, Ballif et al. 2024), with a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (compartmental ODE-based) model representing the hormonal dynamics within the reproductive (hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal) axis (Pery et al. 2014, Ly et al. 2023). The coupling will be based on careful mapping of functions involved in the different models, addition of missing variables when needed, and timescale separation when possible to enforce model parcimony. The second task will be to design appropriate numerical schemes to simulate the model in both physiological and toxicological situations (exposure to EDs) and perform an extensive parameter estimation and sensitivity/identifiability analysis. The calibrated coupled models will enable a detailed assessment of reprotoxic effects, in particular long-term effects and rebound/compensation mechanisms affecting the oocyte population and hormonal feedback loops. If time allows, and according to the interest of the post-doctoral candidate, we will tackle a qualitative analysis of the coupled model to shed light onto the structural influence of parameters on the model behavior and the related impact on the reproductive function.

    G. Ballif, F. Clément and R. Yvinec, Nonlinear compartmental modeling to monitor ovarian follicle population dynamics on the whole lifespan, J. Math. Biol., 89:9, 2024.
    C. Bonnet, K. Chahour, F. Clément, M. Postel, R. Yvinec. Multiscale population dynamics in reproductive biology: singular perturbation reduction in deterministic and stochastic models. ESAIM Proc. Surveys, 67: 72-99, 2020.
    R.B. Conolly, G.T. Ankley, W.Y. Cheng, M.L. Mayo, D.H. Miller, E.J. Perkins, D.L. Villeneuve, K.H. Watanabe. Quantitative adverse outcome pathways and their application to predictive toxicology. Environ. Sci. Technol., 51(8):4661–4672, 2017.
    T.-K. Ly, J. De Oliveira, E. Chadili, K. Le Menach, H. Budzinski, A. James, N. Hinfray, R. Beaudouin. Imazalil and prochloraz toxicokinetics in fish probed by a physiologically based kinetic (PBK) model, 04 December 2023 (preprint available at 10.21203/rs.3.rs-3580808)
    A. Pery, J. Devillers, C. Brochot, E. Mombelli, O. Palluel , B. Piccini , F. Brion, R. Beaudouin. A Physiologically - Based Toxicokinetic Model for the Zebrafish Danio rerio. Environ. Sci. Technol., 55848: 781-790, 2014.

    • 1 Nov 2024
    • Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas Primo Yufera (IBMCP), Valencia, Spain.

    We are looking for a two years postdoctoral to investigate the genome annotations in non-model plants by means of machine learning approaches.

    Genome annotations is one of the major bottlenecks to obtain high quality genomes, especially in non-model species. Efficient tools to evaluate the quality of a genome annotation are needed. The goal for this position is to develop a toolkit with several applications to evaluate genome annotations using K-mers and AI. This is a project developed in collaboration with Dr. Ian Morilla (UMA, Spain).

    Applicants should have demonstrated experience in the field of bioinformatics and/or computational biology. They should be proficient in at least one programming language (preferably Python). The candidate should have proficiency on data science, with focus machine learning. Deep learning apsproaches will be a plus. Good English communication skills are essential. The applicants should have a PhD degree in the fields of Biology or Computational Science.

    The applicant should meet the requirements needed to apply to CSIC work system (https://sede.csic.gob.es/servicios/formacion-y-empleo/bolsa-de-trabajo).

    If you are interested in this position or have any questions, please contact Prof. Aureliano Bombarely or Prof. Ian Morilla
    (abombarely@ibmcp.upv.es, ian.morilla@ihsm.uma-csic.es)

    • 5 Nov 2024
    • 7 Nov 2024
    • Paris, IHP

    Matidays 2024 is a workshop on mathematical models of lipid transport and storage. This workshop is supported by ANR grant MATIDY (Mathematical model of Adipose TIssue DYnamic).

    We aim at gathering people around mathematical modeling applied to lipid transport and storage, but not only, research related to the study of obesity and related diseases are welcome.

    A call for abstract is open until September 15th and financial support is possible for young researcher.

    More information here: https://matidays2024.sciencesconf.org/?lang=en
    Registration is free but mandatory before September 30th

    • 8 Nov 2024
    • 11 Nov 2024
    • Będlewo, Poland

    We are pleased to announce about the fourth in the series the conference"On the Trails of Mathematics" which is one of the main activities of the association Polish Women in Mathematics will be held from 8th to 11th November 2024 in Będlewo, Poland.

    The purpose of our conferences is to help promote the scientific achievements and merits of women whose research, professional activity and publications have made significant contribution to the development of science, mainly in mathematics and related fields. Of course, we are not limiting the conference to women participants only, as we have gender equality in mind and we would like to promote equal opportunity and equal treatment of women in the mathematical sciences.

    This conference will be intended to honour the Polish mathematician – Cecylia Krieger-Dunaj and her successors in particular two women from Poland: Izabella Łaba and Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann. All three are among the top scientists in the world in their fields of research, honoured with numerous awards by international scientific organizations. These women, through their achievements and outstanding contributions to the development of world science, can serve as so-called "Role Models" for all young scientists – not only for women, but also for men.

    In particular, we invite to participate in special session "Mathematical modeling in biology and medicine" organized by Urszula Foryś, Agnieszka Bartłomiejczyk and Zuzanna Szymańska.

    The registration deadline is September 15, 2024.

    For further details on the conference and the registration procedure, please visit:

    We are looking forward to welcoming in Będlewo you soon!

    • 11 Nov 2024
    • 12 Nov 2024
    • Kuwait

    Exploring Scientific Research: Workshop for Early Career Researchers, 11th - 12th Nov 2024

    Organised by the Center for Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics (CAMB) at GUST.
    The workshop aims to provide a platform for early career researchers, including undergraduate, Master's, PhD students, and postdoctoral scholars, to present their ongoing research work in mathematics, statistics, environmental science, engineering, computer science, and natural sciences with focus on real world applications. Participants will also have an opportunity to visually showcase their research through poster presentations.

    Additionally, we are honoured to host Dr. Emma Hudgins from the University of Melbourne, Australia, as our invited speaker. Dr. Hudgins will share her academic journey, discussing the challenges she has faced and the strategies she has employed to navigate the academic landscape. Furthermore, she will conduct a workshop on providing practical skills to enhance academic and non-academic writing and develop competitive job application materials.

    Through these sessions, the workshop aims to create a supportive environment where participants can receive constructive feedback, engage in meaningful discussions, and build networks with peers and senior researchers, thereby nurturing their growth and professional development. To recognise excellence, the best talks and posters will be awarded prizes, celebrating contributions to the scientific community.

    Submission Format: Interested participants are invited to submit abstracts for poster presentations and/or talks related to their research.
    Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words and include the title, authors, affiliations, and a summary of the research.

    Workshop Dates: Mon 11th - Tue 12th November 2024
    Location: Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait
    Talk duration: 15 mins + 5 mins Q&A

    Submission Deadline: 15th October, 2024
    Notification of Acceptance: 20th October, 2024

    For inquiries and submissions, please contact:
    Dr. Naveed Ahmed: Ahmed.N@gust.edu.kw
    Dr. Danish Ahmed: Ahmed.D@gust.edu.kw

    • 1 Dec 2024
    • Paris, Sorbonne University

    The Department of Computational and Quantitative Biology (LCQB) at the
    prestigious Sorbonne University, located in the heart of Paris, France, is on the
    lookout for a new director set to start January 1, 2025. This position is for a five-
    year term, with the possibility of renewal.

    Full details are available here:

    • 2 Dec 2024
    • 13 Dec 2024
    • ICMS Edinburgh

    The ICMS in Edinburgh will be hosting a winter school on mathematical biology aimed at early career mathematicians. Combining lecture courses with keynote talks and hands on problem solving, the focus is on equipping participants, specifically postgraduate students and early-stage researchers, with vital skills in mathematical modeling and the fundamental mathematical tools essential for advanced study and research. The program will also foster connections between scholars in Mathematical Biology from UK, Africa and the rest of the world.

    There is partial financial support available, specifically we expect to be able to cover accommodation and some local expenses for some applicants. For details on the lecturers and to apply for participation please visit


    • 31 Dec 2024
    • Potsdam, Potsdam University, Germany

    4-years position (75%) | E13 TV-L | Potsdam close to Berlin

    Project Title: Modelling context-dependent shifts in the forms of symbioses

    Project Description: Symbiotic interactions - representing prolonged physical associations of several species - are common in natural systems and can determine population dynamics, species persistence and ecosystem functioning, as demonstrated for example in coral reefs and plantpollinator networks. Symbiotic interactions can take different forms including parasitism, mutualism and competition.
    Depending on the underlying costs and benefits of the symbiotic interaction, the form of symbiosis may shift between different types of species interactions, e.g. mutualism and predator-prey interaction (see figure). While recent work has shown that the costs and benefits of symbioses depend on the densities of the symbiosis partners, we currently lack an understanding of how the form of symbioses depends on species traits and the overall food web context. This is particularly important as individuals and populations may adapt their traits to altered environmental conditions and as the food web structure may strongly vary across time and space. Hence, we want to improve general theory in community ecology by accounting for context-dependent changes in the form of symbiosis including the species’ potential to adapt to altering conditions in a food web context.

    The project is embedded into a network of experimental and theoretical working groups across Germany, conducting regular workshops and meetings promoting international networking. The prospective PhD student will join the working group of Prof. Dr. Ursula Gaedke, jointly supervised by Dr. Toni Klauschies. The prospective PhD candidate has the opportunity to closely interact with an experimental PhD student addressing the same overarching topic in our working group and related research groups on Campus. They can join the Potsdam Graduate School (PoGS) allowing for a broad interdisciplinary training of soft skills and early career development. The unique location of our campus in Park Sanssouci is part of a historical place in Potsdam
    providing a fruitful scientific environment and good working atmosphere.

    Your qualification: MSc degree in Ecology or other relevant subjects such as Physics, Mathematics or Environmental Science. We are seeking enthusiastic and committed candidates who enjoy ecology and applied mathematics with a solid background in ecology and ecological modelling. The successful candidate is expected to implement and analyze numerically differential equation models with a modern programming language such as Python, MatLab or Mathematica. Very good English writing and communication skills are expected, German is an asset but not essential.

    Application: To apply, please send the following documents as a single PDF to gaedke@uni-potsdam.de (the position is open until it is filled)

    · Cover letter, including a statement of motivation and from when on you would be available
    · Detailed curriculum vitae including a description of your pre-knowledge in (theoretical) ecology,
    programming and former research activities
    · Certifications of education
    · If possible, provide letters of recommendation from previous supervisors

    • 31 Dec 2024
    • Potsdam, Potsdam University, Germany

     4-years position (75%) | E13 TV-L | Potsdam close to Berlin

    Project Title: Context dependent effects on protective symbiosis driven by predation, competition and parasitism

    Project Description:
    Symbiosis is a biological interaction which refers to the physical association of individuals from different species that can be positive, negative or neutral to either species. In planktonic systems several symbiotic interactions can occur simultaneously and can interact with each other. We want to study the symbiosis between Daphnia and the rotifer Brachionus rubens within a multi-species interaction web. B. rubens can attach to Daphnia which reduces the fitness of Daphnia. At the same time both species compete for resources (algae). The
    attachment becomes more relevant, when a predator of B. rubens, A. brighwelli (another rotifer) is present because attached B. rubens are protected from predation. The aim is to quantify the costs and benefits for Brachionus and Daphnia under varying conditions and to better understand symbioses in a community context. Thus, the present project will contribute to a new food web theory which includes density dependence of symbioses. In addition, video analyses will be performed to study the attachment process in more detail.

    In the case of final approval, the project is embedded into a network of several experimental and theoretical working groups across Germany conducting regular workshops and meetings.

    The prospective PhD student will join the working group of apl. Prof. Dr. Guntram Weithoff at the University of Potsdam. We provide an active research  environment covering a broad range in ecological research. Beyond that, the Potsdam Graduate School (PoGS) offers a broad program on interdisciplinary training in soft skills and early career development.

    Your qualification: MSc degree in Ecology preferably in Aquatic Ecology or a related field. We are looking for a motivated candidate with good experimental skills. Further relevant skills are: sound knowledge in conceptional ecology, statistics and very good English in writing and communication.

    Application: To apply, please send the following documents as a single PDF to weithoff@uni-potsdam.de (the position is open until it is filled):
    • Cover letter, including a statement of motivation and from when on you would be available
    • Curriculum vitae including information on relevant skills
    • Certificates of education
    • If possible, provide letters of recommendation from previous supervisors

    • 1 Jan 2025
    • University of Aberdeen

    The Hiscock lab is hiring! Funded by an ERC Starting Grant, we are looking to recruit people with a strong quantitative background to work on some of the most fundamental problems in developmental biology.

    We welcome applications from theoretical/computational biologists, but also from applied mathematicians, (bio)physicists, and computer programmers. We develop dynamical models (mainly PDEs) to understand the remarkable ways in which biological systems, especially embryos, self-organize into complex structures. We combine analytical theory with large-scale simulations – developing new theory and computational methods where required – and also collaborate closely with experimentalists from around the world.

    Positions are available at both PhD and postdoctoral levels with significant flexibility on start date; we will also provide in-depth mentorship for applications to independent fellowships. We are a curious, friendly and collaborative team based in the beautiful and affordable Northeast of Scotland, come join us!

    If you are interested to know more, please get in touch with Tom directly: thomas.hiscock@abdn.ac.uk

    • 23 Jun 2025
    • 24 Jun 2025
    • Short online course

    The University of Bristol Medical School offer intensive online short courses designed for researchers and healthcare practitioners. We are delighted to confirm that bookings for our popular Essentials of Infectious Disease Modelling and Economic Evaluation short course will open at midday on 8 October 2024.

    Mathematical modelling is an important tool that can be used to understand the dynamics of infectious diseases. Academics working within Bristol Medical School, including those who tutor on the course, are involved in international research on human and zoonotic infectious diseases to help understand epidemics and predict the future burden of diseases, as well as the impact of different control measures to inform policy.

    Find out more: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/medical-school/study/short-courses/courses/infectious-disease-modelling-economic-evaluation/

Past events

19 Sep 2024 Fully Funded Fellowship
15 Sep 2024 Post-doctoral position in mathematical and/or computational biology: Multiscale modeling of single cell-based dynamics of ovarian development
9 Sep 2024 PhD and Postdoc position in mathematical modeling of plant mechanobiology
8 Sep 2024 Two fully-funded PhD positions in bacterial experimental evolution and computational modelling
31 Aug 2024 PhD position in Theoretical Biology
31 Aug 2024 PhD student and postdoc openings: Theory of mechano-genetic interactions in stem cell aggregates
15 Aug 2024 Postdoc Position at University of Franche-Comté
28 Jul 2024 19th Annual Multicell Virtual-Tissue Modeling Online Summer School and Hackathon
15 Jul 2024 Postdoc in Mathematical Communication and/or Education
9 Jul 2024 Workshop: "Mathematical modelling of microbial communities"
30 Jun 2024 Two PhD positions on the effects of irradiation on cell metabolism and reciprocally
26 Jun 2024 Research Students Conference in Population Genomics
21 Jun 2024 Postdoc and PhD positions in theoretical ecology and data science, Osnabrück University
17 Jun 2024 PhD position in Mathematical Biology as part of the national Data-Driven Life Science program
17 Jun 2024 A Mathematical Study Group in biophysical modelling for respiratory medicine
14 Jun 2024 PhD Studentship in “Multi-scale mathematical models to predict prostate cancer progression and treatment response”
12 Jun 2024 3nd Perturbations in Epilepsy Workshop
12 Jun 2024 2024 International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience
10 Jun 2024 Annual confence - N-CODE Neurotechnology Network+
9 Jun 2024 SMQB Centre Fellow, postdoctoral role
9 Jun 2024 Workshop on Chemical Reaction Networks
5 Jun 2024 Bioinference 2024
27 May 2024 Conference on Climate-inclusive Ecological Modelling (CIEM24)
22 May 2024 Mathematics in Life Sciences workshop
20 May 2024 (Call for contributions to the) 6th CIRM conference « Stochastic Processes in Evolutionary Biology », Luminy (France), May 20-24, 2024
15 May 2024 PhD position at INRAE - Avignon France
13 May 2024 3-Day International Workshop on Mathematical Models and Methods in Life Sciences (M³LS 2024)
12 May 2024 PhD studentship in Mathematical Biology at the University of Montpellier
29 Apr 2024 Postdoctoral position in Bayesian inference for cell biology applications
23 Apr 2024 Postdoc position at the University of Trento
23 Apr 2024 Post-doc position on Epidemic models at the University of Trento
21 Apr 2024 Conference: The Cahn-Hilliard equation - recent advances and new challenges
15 Apr 2024 Workshop on Models and Inference in Population Genetics: Fragmentation-coalescence and related models
1 Apr 2024 Assistant professor position at Institut Agro Dijon, possible openning Spring 2024
25 Mar 2024 Grant development sandpit in environmental determinants of lung health
22 Mar 2024 Two open PhD positions in Mathematical Oncology
15 Mar 2024 PhD position in Edinburgh: Modelling antibiotic resistance evolution
6 Mar 2024 Post Doctoral position
29 Feb 2024 Postdoctoral Position in Mathematical and Computational Biology/Biophysics
27 Feb 2024 Postdoc in machine learning for cancer
6 Feb 2024 15th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS)
4 Feb 2024 Assistant Professorships in Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Processes
1 Feb 2024 Postdoctoral position at the School of Mathematics
31 Jan 2024 30 PhD student and 2 post-doctoral positions in the field of plant phenotypic plasticity
31 Jan 2024 Independent Research Fellows (Faculty) at the Barcelona Collaboratorium for Theoretical Modelling and Predictive Biology
31 Jan 2024 2 Professorships (W3) (f/m/d) / 1 CZS Junior Research Group Leader (f/m/d) / 1 Head of the new Synthtetic DNA Accelerator Lab (f/m/d)
15 Jan 2024 Two 1 year postdoc positions available in cardiac modelling and inference at University of Nottingham
10 Jan 2024 Biophysical Modelling in Respiratory Medicine - Network Conference 2024
1 Jan 2024 PhD/PostDoc position at the Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research
31 Dec 2023 Postdoctoral Associate Position in Cardiac-Cortical Circuit Modelling
31 Dec 2023 Postdoctoral Research Associate - Infectious Diseases Modeling
31 Dec 2023 Postdoc on Dravet syndrome modeling: Inria (Montpellier, France) and BCAM (Bilbao, Spain)
15 Dec 2023 Ph.D. Positions, Applied Mathematics and Applied Statistics, NJIT
1 Dec 2023 Conference on "Dynamics of biological systems: emergent phenomena at different scales", DBS2023
1 Dec 2023 PhD position in Computational Biology
1 Dec 2023 University of Florida, Dept. of Biology, M.S./Ph.D. Position Openings
1 Dec 2023 Phd position at INRAe & Inria in Bordeaux
27 Nov 2023 Data Science Week 2023
27 Nov 2023 PhD position(s) at the University of Edinburgh (Biological Sciences)
23 Nov 2023 Faculty posts at Ulster University
23 Nov 2023 2023 AUA Academic Workshop on Delay Differential Equations: Applications to Immunology and Infectious Diseases
20 Nov 2023 Workshop Modeling of Tumor Invasion
17 Nov 2023 Conference on "Predictive Modeling in Biology and Medicine"
1 Nov 2023 Assistant professor position in Applied and Computational Mathematics
31 Oct 2023 Workshop Data-driven mechanistic models of complex biomedical systems, 11-12th December
15 Oct 2023 Two postdoc positions in Theoretical Biology
11 Oct 2023 MC2D: Mathematical Challenges in Modelling Cancer Dynamics
2 Oct 2023 Workshop on Quantitative Principles in Microbial Physiology
2 Oct 2023 Two 4-year research scholarships for PhD students
1 Oct 2023 PhD position
30 Sep 2023 Independent Research Fellows at the Barcelona Collaboratorium for Mathematical Modelling and Predictive Biology
30 Sep 2023 Assistant Professor in Mathematics - Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh
21 Sep 2023 A Challenge led sandpit on structure and function in airways disease - hosted by the BIOREME network
14 Sep 2023 Conference: Physiology in Focus 2023
11 Sep 2023 Workshop on Mathematical Perspectives on Immunobiology
11 Sep 2023 MoDiS 2023: Modelling Diffusive Systems
10 Sep 2023 Postdoc in Interdisciplinary and Industrial Mathematics
1 Sep 2023 PhD offer: Stochastic process, random walks and predator-prey dynamics
1 Sep 2023 Postdoctoral Position in Modeling of pathogens transmission in farm settings
31 Aug 2023 Expression of interest for postdoc positions in Italy (Turin, Milan and/or Pisa)
31 Aug 2023 6 Faculty positions in Applied Maths, Stats or Data Science at the University of Birmingham
20 Aug 2023 ICIAM 2023: The 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
13 Aug 2023 Postdoc on immune modelling at the University of Sydney
31 Jul 2023 2023 Virtual Summer Workshop and Hackathon on Multi-Cell Modeling with CompuCell3D (July 31-August 13)
28 Jul 2023 PhD positions at University of Pavia
7 Jul 2023 Two Phd positions in computational biophysics on Cryptochrome-based magnetorecepetion
7 Jul 2023 PhD position in Theoretical Immunology
3 Jul 2023 Topics on Neuroscience, Collective Migration and Parameter Estimation
1 Jul 2023 Postdoc position on Biological Complex Systems
30 Jun 2023 Postdoc position in Theoretical Biology
26 Jun 2023 Workshop on ‘Perturbations in Epilepsy - Quantifying the impact of seizure triggers'
25 Jun 2023 One year post-doctoral position "Multiscale approaches and phenotypic diversity"
20 Jun 2023 Fully funded PhD positions in Mathematical Sciences at Politecnico di Torino
19 Jun 2023 Workshop on Epidemic Modelling: Current challenges
18 Jun 2023 Conference Biomath 2023
15 Jun 2023 Computational postdoctoral position in the design of synthetic pathways and regulatory proteins
14 Jun 2023 Conference Biomolecules and Nanostructures 8
9 Jun 2023 2-year Postdoc position in Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology
8 Jun 2023 BioInference2023: Registration open (in person and online)
4 Jun 2023 Postdoc in Interdisciplinary and Industrial Mathematics
1 Jun 2023 Research position at Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi
1 Jun 2023 Senior Research position in Math/Statistics
1 Jun 2023 Senior Research position - Bio-mathematical modeling
23 May 2023 The sixth Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics (CMPD6)
22 May 2023 Lorentz Workshop on wound care technology
18 May 2023 15 Ph.D. positions in Mathematics at the Universities of Trento and Verona
10 May 2023 PhD position in Theoretical evolutionary biology
30 Apr 2023 Postdoc Positions and Senior Data Scientist position
30 Apr 2023 Postdoc in Biomathematics – Systems Biology of Inflammation
30 Apr 2023 Post-doc positions US - Large contact network - transmission dynamics of swine infectious diseases
24 Apr 2023 Conference on Mathematical Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution (CMPDEE 2023)
16 Apr 2023 Mathematics Lectureships at City, University of London
16 Apr 2023 PhD position in mathematical neuroscience
12 Apr 2023 PhD Position - Bridge PhD between Biology and Mathematics
31 Mar 2023 Postdoctoral Research Associate in Mathematical Modelling of Epigenetic Regulation
31 Mar 2023 PhD position in Mathematical Biology
31 Mar 2023 Postdoctoral position
31 Mar 2023 Mini-symposium "Multi-scale modelling of biomechanical systems and their simulation using neural networks" at ICCB2023
24 Mar 2023 A Study Group in Mathematical Modelling: Developing the next generation of lung function measurement
3 Mar 2023 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Modelling with Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Biology
10 Feb 2023 Postdoc positions in Edinburgh and Boston
5 Feb 2023 DSABNS 2023 Conference
31 Jan 2023 PhD position in Theoretical Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics (m/f/x)
31 Jan 2023 2 Postdoc Position on ERC Project INSPIRE
31 Jan 2023 Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Spatial Analysis and Multiscale Modelling of Solid Tumours and Their Response to Treatment
27 Jan 2023 Postdoctoral Roles available in cardiac modelling at University of Nottingham
12 Jan 2023 3rd International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications (IWSPA 2023)
10 Jan 2023 PhD position in infectious disease modeling
5 Jan 2023 Assistant Professor, Computational Ecology
31 Dec 2022 ‘Model of the year’ 2023 competition
28 Dec 2022 Assistant Professor (Tenure track) in Viral Phylodynamics
15 Dec 2022 PhD Positions, Applied Mathematics and Applied Statistics, NJIT
9 Dec 2022 PhD Studentship at the University of Manchester
5 Dec 2022 Fully funded 4-year PhD studentship in mathematical biology and theoretical physics
5 Dec 2022 PhD positions in Scotland
27 Nov 2022 BIRS Workshop "Topics in Multiple Time Scale Dynamics"
24 Nov 2022 Flora Philip Fellowship at School of Mathematics
15 Nov 2022 Postdoc positions in Biomathematics at Centre de Recerca Matemàtica
15 Nov 2022 Postdoc & Senior researcher
14 Nov 2022 Mathematical Methods for the Study of Self-Organisation in the Biological Sciences
20 Sep 2022 Three quantitative multidisciplinary postdocs
15 Sep 2022 Open positions at The @Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Group at BCAM
9 Sep 2022 Postdoc position: The role of compartmentalization within signaling pathways
8 Sep 2022 Two PhD positions in Biophysics
6 Sep 2022 BioTOMath – Mathematical Challenges in Biology and Medicine
2 Sep 2022 PhD position on Computational methods for analyzing the dynamics of certain diseases
1 Sep 2022 Graduate (PhD) position: Gene networks and the evolution of organismic complexity
31 Aug 2022 Post-Doc Position: Mathematical Modelling to optimise IVF Outcome with a Personalised Medicine Approach
12 Aug 2022 Midwest workshop of women in experimental biology: towards an integration of modern machine learning methods to the biological sciences
5 Aug 2022 3-year Postdoc position in Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology
31 Jul 2022 PhD position in Theoretical Biology
13 Jul 2022 PhD scholarship on mathematical modelling of brain development and evolution
10 Jul 2022 Postdoctoral Research Fellow
8 Jul 2022 Research scientist positions in mathematical biology at RIKEN
6 Jul 2022 8th International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS 2022)
6 Jul 2022 Workshop on Chemical Reaction Networks
13 Jun 2022 Models in Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution – MPDEE-22 (2nd announcement)
9 Jun 2022 Workshop in Mathematical and Computational Biology (WMCB 2022)
5 Jun 2022 Postdoc Antimicrobial resistance modeling for global health interventions
25 May 2022 Research Software Engineers (x2)
9 May 2022 2nd Nordic BioMathematics Days
4 May 2022 PhD position in the Theoretical Biology group at Bielefeld University
2 May 2022 Junior Trimester Program "Stochastic modelling in the life science: From evolution to medicine“
29 Apr 2022 PhD scholarship: Mathematical modeling in infection and immunity
25 Apr 2022 Two 3-Year Post-Doc positions at the interface of developmental biology and mathematical modelling
20 Apr 2022 Professorship (W2 or W3) on Modelling in the life sciences
20 Apr 2022 PhD project in Systems Biology
20 Apr 2022 Postdoctoral Researcher
17 Apr 2022 Lecturer in Mathematical Biology
15 Apr 2022 PhD position: Ecosystem-based and evolutionary approach to the exploitation of species
15 Apr 2022 PhD position: Mathematical theory of tumour evolutionary modes
15 Apr 2022 PhD Position: Multi-scale mathematical modeling of oogenesis in fish
27 Mar 2022 Postdoctoral and Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow Positions in Cardiac Electrophysiology Modelling and Inference
2 Mar 2022 PhD position: Mathematical modelling and data driven analysis of cooperation in stochastic games
28 Feb 2022 IBS Biomedical Math Senior Researcher & Postdoc Fellow
15 Feb 2022 Two Postdoc Positions in Mathematical Modeling of Microbial Evolution
8 Feb 2022 PhD positions in Evolutionary Biology
31 Jan 2022 5 senior and 4 junior postdoctoral at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) in Barcelona
27 Jan 2022 6 PhD fellowships - doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT “la Caixa”
21 Jan 2022 PhD position in Evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of one-health vaccination strategies
19 Jan 2022 Two PhD positions in Theoretical Biology
11 Jan 2022 Tenure-track Faculty Position in Numerical Analysis
20 Dec 2021 Mini-symposium on emerging frontiers in application to understand complex phenomena in biology and ecology. SciCADE 2022
15 Dec 2021 Assistant Professor of Mathematical Health and Disease Modelling
6 Dec 2021 Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Topological Data Analysis of Lung Cancer
1 Dec 2021 Postdoc position modeling and analysis of PDEs
30 Nov 2021 Research Fellow (3-year postdoc) in Mathematical modelling of the Bunyaviruses intra-cellular life cycle
23 Nov 2021 2nd International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, IWSPA 2021
27 Oct 2021 Postdoc position: Modelling Individualisation in Evolution and Economics
11 Oct 2021 Postdoc position at the Schumacher group in Edinburgh
10 Oct 2021 PhD position in data-driven mathematical modelling for microbiology
7 Oct 2021 Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Multiscale Modeling of Embryonic Development
3 Oct 2021 2 posts as Lecturer in Applied Mathematics
1 Oct 2021 Workshop "Waiting for the BioToMath Conference - Mathematics Challenges in Biology and Medicine"
30 Sep 2021 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Group, BCAM
28 Sep 2021 Mathematical modelling and control for Healthcare and Biomedical Systems (MCHBS 2021)
26 Sep 2021 Modeling and Computational Approaches to Individual and Collective Cell Movement in Complex Environments
6 Sep 2021 ICMS Workshop on “Modelling Diffusive Systems: Theory & Biological Applications”
23 Aug 2021 Dynamics Days Europe
8 Aug 2021 Senior Researcher positions
2 Aug 2021 Research Technician in Biomathematics at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Group, BCAM.
30 Jul 2021 PhD studentship: An eco-evolutionary framework for studying resilience and tipping points in ecosystems under stress
30 Jun 2021 Postdoc position on biophysical modelling
28 Jun 2021 7th International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS 2021)
23 Jun 2021 PhD fellowship in feed-back control of individual cells in microorganism populations
22 Jun 2021 Stochastic Models & Experiments in Ecology and Biology
21 Jun 2021 International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering – ICMA2SC'21. Porto, Portugal, June 21-25 2021.
20 Jun 2021 8th European Congress of Mathematics (Online)
20 Jun 2021 PhD position in mathematical systems biology
14 Jun 2021 International conference on dynamics in systems and synthetic biology
13 Jun 2021 SMB 2021: Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology
10 Jun 2021 Workshop in Mathematical and Computational Biology (WMCB2021)
31 May 2021 Funded positions at Trento and Verona
17 May 2021 PhD Position in Mathematical Biology
15 May 2021 PhD scholarship - Early Stage Researcher position in Evolutionary Game Theory and Population Dynamics: From Theory to Applications
15 May 2021 Postdoc openings on mathematical modeling and AI in drug resistance in melanoma
14 May 2021 IBS Biomedical Math Group Senior Researcher/Postdoctoral Fellow Positions
13 May 2021 PhD positions in Pure and Applied Mathematics.
10 May 2021 Research Fellow in Modelling and Analysis of Cancer Invasion
30 Apr 2021 Cluster Hire in Quantitative and Computational Developmental Biology
30 Apr 2021 RA or Postdoc on modeling COVID-19 for applied public health at INSERM
28 Apr 2021 Postdoctoral Research Associates, University of Oxford
16 Mar 2021 Research fellowship positions at IBS Biomedical Mathematics Group, Daejeon, Korea
13 Mar 2021 Assistant Professor at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
11 Mar 2021 Post-Doc in Evolutionary Theory and Disease at U Maryland
8 Mar 2021 Postdoctoral position at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Group at BCAM
8 Mar 2021 International Conference Dynamical Systems in Systems and Synthetic Biology (DynS^3Bio). Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (Barcelona).
5 Mar 2021 Several open positions in modelling of infectious diseases
4 Mar 2021 PhD project in “Systems biology approach for elucidating bacterial revival after antibiotic treatment”
4 Mar 2021 PhD project in Single Cell Genomics and Mitochondrial Genetics
4 Mar 2021 Phd project in “Single cell genomic approaches to study mitochondrial genetics and disorders”
24 Feb 2021 PhD studentship in mathematical modelling of cancer evolution at City, University of London
14 Feb 2021 Postdoc Fellowship at the University of Trento
14 Feb 2021 PhD Fellowship at the Delft University of Technology
10 Feb 2021 BCAM - Group Leader position in Mathematical Modelling applied to Health
2 Feb 2021 International Conference "Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences – DSABNS"
29 Jan 2021 Research fellow positions in the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology group at BCAM
19 Jan 2021 Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Computational Modelling of Ocular Drug Retention and Delivery
13 Jan 2021 Postdoc position at CorStim SAS in Montpellier (France)
8 Jan 2021 Teaching and research positions in Theoretical Biology and Bioinformatics at Utrecht University
15 Dec 2020 15 open positions for Early Stage Researchers within The Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network-EvoGamesPlus (Evolutionary games and population dynamics: from theory to applications).
1 Dec 2020 Two 3-year Postdoctoral Positions in Statistics and Mathematics for Personalised Breast Cancer Therapy. University of Oslo.
27 Nov 2020 4 PhD Student Positions. Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
24 Nov 2020 International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, IWSPA 2020
10 Nov 2020 Competition-funded PhD opportunity (incl. international students) with the Precision Medicine Doctoral Training Programme at the University of Edinburgh.
1 Nov 2020 Tenure-track position in Mathematical Biology. University of Victoria.
23 Oct 2020 PhD position: Funded PhD position on Context-specific factors that drive HIV transmission among men who have sex with men: Modelling the role of behaviours, social and legal factors. University of Bristol.
23 Oct 2020 Postdoc position: Senior Research Associate in Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases. University of Bristol.
11 Oct 2020 Post-Doc in the field of computational systems biology at the Robert Koch Institute (www.rki.de) in Berlin/Germany.
7 Oct 2020 Predoctoral Contracts for Phd Students AEI 2020 at BCAM (Bilbao, Spain)
2 Oct 2020 PhD position in applied algebra in biology. Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen.
29 Sep 2020 Tenure-track positions. Faculty of Science and Technology. Umeå University, Sweden,
23 Sep 2020 Dynamics of biological systems: from viruses to populations VIRTUAL, 23-25 September 2020.
22 Sep 2020 PhD position in Theoretical Biology. Max Planck Institute For Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany.
21 Sep 2020 Stochastic Models and Experiments in Ecology and Biology. European Center of Living Technology. Venice.
31 Aug 2020 12th ECMTB conference in Heidelberg (postponed to 2021, dates to be announced)
6 Jul 2020 International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (Digital)
16 Jun 2020 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biomathematics at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Group. BCAM. Bilbao.
16 Jun 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie project oportunities @BCAM (Bilbao, Spain) in Applied Mathematics, computational Mathematics and Data Science.
6 Jun 2020 Postdoctoral Positions in Human-Environment Modelling at the University of Guelph and University of Waterloo, Canada
27 May 2020 PhD Program in "MODELING AND ENGINEERING RISK AND COMPLEXITY" in the Scuola Superiore Meridionale di Napoli.
15 May 2020 Postdoc in Mathematical Biology at the University of Oxford
15 May 2020 Research fellow. University of St Andrews
20 Apr 2020 Mathematical Models in Biology: PDE & Stochastic Approaches
27 Mar 2020 PhD-Junior lecturer position in Mathematics. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
10 Mar 2020 Post-doc: Mathematical biology. University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
2 Mar 2020 ICTP-SAIFR Workshop on Modelling of Infectious Diseases Dynamics
27 Feb 2020 PhD position at the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital in Utrecht.
17 Feb 2020 PhD position in Applied Mathematics within the joint graduate programme of Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia and Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
12 Feb 2020 10 PhD positions and fellowships at the International Max Planck Research School for Evolutionary Biology
7 Feb 2020 PhD projects in Systems Biology. Hector Fellow Academy (Germany)
4 Feb 2020 11th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS 2020)
20 Jan 2020 Research assistant in mathematical/computational biology in the Schumacher group at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Edinburgh.
8 Jan 2020 Three Fully Funded PhD positions in Quantitative Developmental Biologyand Mathematical Modeling at Leiden University, The Netherlands
19 Dec 2019 PhD position at the University of Bath
11 Dec 2019 PhD position at Bielefeld University
19 Nov 2019 PhD opportunities in computational/mathematical biology in Edinburgh
15 Nov 2019 2-year Postdoc/research assistant position in Zoonotic Disease Epidemiology at the University of Bristol, UK.
15 Nov 2019 PhD in Infectious Diseases and Complex Systems. University of Exeter
5 Nov 2019 PhD studenship in mathematical biology at the University of Bath, UK.
30 Oct 2019 PhD position in Mathematical Biology at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology.
30 Oct 2019 PhD Position: Mathematical models of cooperation among heterogeneous individuals at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
30 Oct 2019 Post Doc Position: Modeling reciprocity in changing environments at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
28 Oct 2019 PhD Student position at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, within the Computational Neuroscience research group
28 Oct 2019 Research Fellow/Associate in Computational Biology. University of Edinburgh - Centre for Regenerative Medicine
27 Oct 2019 2 yr postdoc positions at the University of Copenhagen
27 Oct 2019 Assistant Researcher in Zagorski group at Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
22 Oct 2019 Position in Applied Mathematics (Dynamical Systems) at Norwegian University of Life Sciences:
17 Oct 2019 PhD studentships in Theoretical Evolution and Ecology at the University of Lausanne
10 Oct 2019 The very first Day of Mathematical Biology 1010 at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
3 Oct 2019 UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Biomedical AI – funded places available for 2020 entry
30 Sep 2019 ENUMATH 2019
17 Sep 2019 Faculty Position in Systems Biology, Virginia Tech
16 Sep 2019 Postdoctoral Fellowships Szeged
15 Jul 2019 International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2019
1 Jul 2019 1 Assistant Professor and 2 Junior Faculty Positions at Department of Mathematics, University of California, Riverside (USA)
16 Jun 2019 BIOMATH 2019
29 May 2019 Transients in Biological Systems
19 May 2019 Fifth International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics
1 May 2019 Mathematics of Gun Violence
23 Apr 2019 Social Norms: Emergence, Persistence, and Effects
11 Feb 2019 Stochastic Models in Systems and Synthetic Biology
6 Dec 2018 Viral Infections from an Evolutionary Perspective
5 Dec 2018 Extending the Theory of Sustainability
3 Dec 2018 Applications of Spatial Data: Ecological Niche Modeling
3 Dec 2018 New Frontiers in Pattern Formation
27 Oct 2018 10th annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Mathematics and Biology
8 Oct 2018 Multidisciplinary workshop on Mathematics for BioMedicine
5 Sep 2018 Evolutionary Models of Structured Populations: Integrating Methods
3 Sep 2018 Mittag-Leffler semester in Mathematical Biology
5 Aug 2018 13th Annual CompuCell3D Training Workshop

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